Episode 68: Considerations for 1st year curlers -part 2: for coaches 150 150 Stephanie Thompson
If you’re involved in Learn to Curl programs or find yourself in a coaching role helping fresh curlers navigate the curling world this episode is for you: Tips and tricks to help you help them get the most out of their first few years. In this episode I go into detail on a few priorities that I hope coaches can find the time to sneak into their programs, practices & coaching session. This is not an episode telling you how to run your LTC, but rather outlining some key curling principles that can sometimes be forgotten to focus on. If you are new to curling, coach, or know someone who is new to curling give this a listen and share it with them. This is a 3-part series; with episodes directed at coaches and teammates coming soon. 3 tips discussed:
  1. Focus on fundamentals & fun before specifics
  2. Equipment is important
  3. Emphasize points mentioned in part 1 (Episode 66)
Key resources: Some other great episodes to check out:
  • Episode 66: Considerations for 1st year curlers -part 1: for athletes
  • Episode 05: It’s all in the hips
  • Episode 07: Mark Nichols on all things training, nutrition and curling camps
Listen & watch below, on your favourite streaming ap or on Curling News/SI To stay as up-to-date as possible, make sure to join the Empowered Performance newsletter and to follow me on Instagram at @empoweredperformance   Take care,   Coach Steph

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The Empowered Performance for Curlers Podcast

Episode 68: Considerations for 1st year curlers -part 2: for coaches

Stephanie Thompson

Stephanie Thompson


R.Kin, B.Ed, CSEP-CPT, Competition Development Coach in training, 200 RYT in training
On & Off Ice rehab & performance training. Providing tools and education to move better & play better.

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