Episode 58: Laziness is a habit, but rest is a priority; with Emily Riley 150 150 Stephanie Thompson
In today’s episode I have Emily Riley, a mental performance coach back on the podcast to talk about managing missing a workout (or 2 or 3). How do you know if you need a rest day, or if you are just being lazy? And what are some strategies you can employ to ensure you follow through on your commitments   Key links mentioned: Here are some past episodes you will want to go back & listen to:   To stay as up-to-date as possible, make sure to join the Empowered Performance newsletter and to follow me on Instagram at @empoweredperformance   Take care,   Coach Steph

Providing tools & education to move better & improve performance. Proudly Canadian.

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The Empowered Performance for Curlers Podcast

Episode 58: Laziness is a habit, but rest is a priority; with Emily Riley

Stephanie Thompson

Stephanie Thompson


R.Kin, B.Ed, CSEP-CPT, Competition Development Coach in training, 200 RYT in training
On & Off Ice rehab & performance training. Providing tools and education to move better & play better.

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