Episode 17: Training for Curling & Golf is about the Fundamentals with Nick Buchan 150 150 Stephanie Thompson
In today’s episode I am joined all the way from the UK by The Golf Strength Coach, Nick Buchan. We talk about the importance of assessment, and working to increase the number of movement options you have to make skill development easier and more efficient. The need for both golfers and curlers to move well is paramount to success. Nick gives us 3 movement keys for improving rotation and overcoming our innate right side bias.   Listen below or on your favourite streaming platform.   Key topics:
  • Why being a multi-sport athlete is so important for the development of speed and power.
  • The commonalities between the demands of both recreational & competitive golfers and curlers.
  • Why are curling and golf so behind in their biomechanics and physiology research? (the former more so than the latter)
  • Training to increase the number of movement options the player has
  • Manage foot pressures throughout the swing and the delivery
  • The downside of a lack of variability in our sports
  • “Those who succeed work hard to fill in the gap between knowing & doing”. 
  Resources mentioned:
  • Zack couples “The Stack
  • @golfphysiologist 
  • Single leg glute bridge
    • Be able to hold each side for 15-45 sec with control. “Feel” this mostly in your glute/hamstring. If you feel this in your lower back, lower down, and also revisit “the stack” or the “belt buckle up, ribs down” cue.
  • Left side lying scissor slide
    • Focus on getting really good on this with your left leg on top. Go slow. Revisit “the stack” or the “belt buckle up, ribs down” cue if you feel this in your low back or hip flexor instead of pelvis and inner thighs.
  • Split squat with a “head over foot” cue
    • This is one of many variations of the split squat. Keep attention on weight over front foot, and keeping pelvis/ribs in line
  • Check out Nick on Instagram (here -you don’t need an IG account to do so)
    • FAST program -his VIP program
      • #1 support practice and play
      • #2 Power (increase force applied through increase strength) which allows hit ball further
      • #3 technical (need to earn the right to focus on this)
  In future episode:
  • Training mistakes commonly seen across sports
  • Endurance for curling and golf
  • Periodizing your training; juggling both golf and curling seasons
  • “Colour in your soul” (Stoicisms)
  Got another question for Nick? Reach out to either of us and we’ll make sure to touch on your question during a future episode.   To stay as up-to-date as possible, make sure to join the Empowered Performance newsletter and to follow me on Instagram at @empoweredperformance   Take care,   Coach Steph

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The Empowered Performance for Curlers Podcast

Episode 17: Training for Curling & Golf is about the Fundamentals with Nick Buchan

Stephanie Thompson

Stephanie Thompson


R.Kin, B.Ed, CSEP-CPT, Competition Development Coach in training, 200 RYT in training
On & Off Ice rehab & performance training. Providing tools and education to move better & play better.

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