No Curling? No Problem! 150 150 Stephanie Thompson

Hey curling fam!

There are a lot of emotions surrounding our respective curling seasons.

Some of you have access to ice, and some of you don’t.

Regardless, it seems like everyone’s “Normal” curling season has been shifted and we have all the feels; disappointment, anger, frustration, fear, regret, you name it.

As a perpetual optimist I can’t help but find the silver lining in literally everything. I like to give myself the time and space to feel those feels of course, but instead of hanging out there for months and months I prefer to focus my anxiety on “what I can do instead”.

Hence the birthing of my “No curling? No Problem!” series on Instagram.

You can check them out whether you are on the ap or not:

Part 1 —On your computer Link

Part 2 —At home workout Link

Part 3 —Game prep Link

Part 4 —Better brushing at home Link

If you love them, I encourage you to share this article with a teammate. Rising tides lift all ships and the more of us that are looking for the small ways to make progress, the better we will all be when we finally get back on the ice competing in our respective arenas.


Not to mention, this article is totally relevant throughout any break in on-ice work; so save it for reference during future off-seasons.

Remember, there are plenty of teams and players who have access to ice and the gym. So give yourself some much needed rest, but remember that while you’re chilling on the couch, your opponents might be taking strides past you. Use that as inspiration when you feel it is time to get the nose back to the grindstone.

This time is for the underdogs.

It’s giving us all the space to focus on the pieces of our performance

that we might not usually have the time or energy for.

What are you focusing on this month? I’d love to hear!

Rest? Strength? Consistency? Flexibility? Strategy?

Regardless what you put your mind to, I wish you all the best.

Coach Steph

Ps. Big virtual hugs to those who are wearing a mask, respecting the 6ft+ social distancing rule in public, and keeping their social circles small. I see you, I thank you, I love you.


Keep your eyes on your email Monday Nov 30th, 2020 for the relaunch of the Kickstarter with a “long-term twist”;

For 24 hours only the Kickstarter will be discounted 25%. Just for newsletter subscribers. Not a subscriber? Sign up here. Reading this way past the Nov 30th deadline? Joining the newsletter is probably the best thing you could ever do to improve your performance (yes I am biased of course), because the first email is a link to an archive of my free on- and off-ice sweeping tips, but that’s not where the magic stops there are plenty of knowledge bombs, freebies and top-secret tips shared only with my EPARMY & newsletter team.


Shoot me an email and we can talk about if and how I might able to help you.

Keep the Kickstarter as an act of self love to yourself, or give it as a gift to show your favourite curler just how much you support them.

Let’s get through the winter together with purpose.

Providing tools & education to move better & improve performance. Proudly Canadian.

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No Curling? No Problem!