FREE Curling Warmup and Delivery/Brushing Tips for All Curlers 150 150 Stephanie Thompson

Happy Curling Season

“The beginning & end of both a game

& a curling season are the most

common time for injuries to occur”

With a little bit of preparation before the season, and before each game you have the opportunity to lower this risk. This document is going to provide you with some resources to help you over the next few weeks heading into your season starts, to help make getting into the hack, sliding on the ice, and brushing your rocks more comfortable and enjoyable. This document is going to cover:
  • A full warm-up that can be done at home, or behind the glass before each game
  • Top tips for injury prevention, comfort & performance improvement:
    • For the delivery
    • For brushing
  • How to get access to a free Mini Back-to-Curling workout to complete before you step on the ice in the fall
You can access the FREE document for yourself, your team, your club, league or association. HERE   A NOTE FROM COACH STEPH Thank you for putting some effort in to preparing for your upcoming curling season. My goal is to provide curling-specific health, fitness, coaching and rehab tips to curlers across the world. I am located in Markham Ontario, Canada & have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of athletes at all levels of curling both in- person and virtually so that they can move better, with less pain and improved performance. It means the world to be able to share information like this with you. I hope you have a wonderful season,   Good curling! Coach Steph

Providing tools & education to move better & improve performance. Proudly Canadian.

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FREE Curling Warmup and Delivery/Brushing Tips for All Curlers