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Waivers, questionnaires, and other documents
From the blog: Watch & Learn: 5 Steps to Consciously Watch Curling
This survey should be completed by each member of applicant teams (including coaches)
Thank you for your application! You should receive a confirmation email shortly.
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Thank you for inquiring into what goes into an Empowered Performance OFFSZN!
You should be receiving a full outline very shortly
If you're ready to get right into it, you can go ahead and get started by completing the OFFSZN Survey
Please fill this in before our first session. You can print out the PDF and sign, or fill in online below.
Useful sites and recommendations
Use discount code EMPOWERED for 10% off at!
The internet's premiere hub for scores, discussion, news, views, blogs and information about the sport of Curling
All about Joga - a movement system combining the benefits of yoga with the biomechanics of sport
Curling event coverage, media, standings, scores & schedules